Scholarly Practice and Inquiry: Dynamic Interactions in an Elementary Mathematics Methods Course
Published 2022-03-04
- elementary,
- preservice teachers,
- teacher knowledge,
- Methods course
Copyright (c) 2022 Andrew Tyminski, McKenzie H. Brittain

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This paper presents research that exists at the crossroad of scholarly practice and scholarly inquiry. We outline the process in the design, enactment, and empirical examination of an elementary methods course activity, Exploring and Supporting Student Thinking (ESST), which engaged 18 elementary prospective teachers (PTs) in two sessions of one-on-one problem posing with 3rd grade students. Our results mirror outcomes from existing literature focused on student interviews and letter exchanges as well as reveal other potential PTs experiences from such interactions. We end by describing implications for future activity design and with a call for researchers to continue to contribute to scholarly inquiry in this area.
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