Empirical Estimates of Beta When Investors Face Estimation Risk


  • Peter M. Clarkson Simon Fraser University
  • Rex Thompson Southern Methodist University




The authors examine empirical implications of models of differential information that formalize the following intuition: securities for which there is relatively little information are perceived as relatively more risky because of the greater uncertainty surrounding the exact parameters of their return distributions. The implication that beta risk for low information firms should decline as information increases is confirmed with several data sets. The authors find such a decline over the first several periods subsequent to initial public offerings and initial listings. There is also an abrupt risk decline at the first annual earnings announcement. Journal ofFinance, Vol. 45, No. 2 (June 1990), pp. 431-453. (Reprinted with permission of the Journal ofEconomic Literature.)



How to Cite

Clarkson , P. M., & Thompson , R. (1991). Empirical Estimates of Beta When Investors Face Estimation Risk. Financial Services Review, 1(1), 82. https://doi.org/10.1016/1057-0810(91)90016-R



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