The Effects of Mutual Fund Managers’ Characteristics on Their Portfolio Performance, Risk and Fees


  • Joseph H. Golec Associate Professor of Finance, Clark University, Graduate School of Management, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610.



The purpose of this study is to test whether a mutual fund managers’ characteristics help to explain fund per$ormance, risk and fees. The statistical tests consider per&or- mance, risk andfees simultaneously to avoid biased results produced by earlier studies that ignore simultaneity. Results show that a fund’s performance, risk andfees are sig- nificantly impacted by its manager’s characteristics. All else equal, investors can expect better risk-adjusted performance from younger managers with MBA degrees who have longer tenure at their funds. Also, funds with low fees and more diversified portolios perform better. The most sign~~cant predictor ofpe~o~ance is the length of time a manager has managed his or her find (tenure). Funds that keep administrative expenses low also perform relatively well, but large management fees do not necessar- ily imply poorer performance. Apparently, a large management fee signals superior inves~ent skill which leads to better perfomtance.




How to Cite

Golec, J. H. (1996). The Effects of Mutual Fund Managers’ Characteristics on Their Portfolio Performance, Risk and Fees. Financial Services Review, 5(2), 133–148.



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