Responses to the Modern Language Association’s Report
“Foreign Languages and Higher Education: New Structures for a Changed World” (2007)
Wooten, J. & Varga, K.D. (2008). Framing the issue: The Modern Language Association’s report and the future of foreign language education. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 1-5.
Goulah, J. (2008). Transformative world language learning: An approach for environmental and cultural sustainability and economic and political security [Online], 4(1), 6-23.
Gunnels, B.W. (2008). Going the distance in a changing world: Distance learning and the foreign language classroom. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 24-33.
Gala, C. (2008). Convergences and Transdisciplinarity in the Foreign Language Department: A response to the MLA Report. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 34-51.
Sandlin, B.A. (2008). The language program “revolution”: Why and how liberal arts colleges can lead the way. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 52-61.
Kearney, E. (2008). Culture learning in a changed world: Student perspectives. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 62-82.
Voices from the Field
Marcott, P.F. (2008). Pursuing a foreign language education: A current student’s perspective. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 83-90.
Bridges, J. (2008). Creating connections in foreign language education: A teacher’s perspective. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 91-97.
Pickens, C. (2008). Using the Classics to speak to the world: A new teacher’s perspective. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 98-103.
Book Reviews
Barnes, J. (2008). Book review. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 104-107.
- Author reviews Smith & Osborn’s (Eds.) Spirituality, social justice, and language learning.
Goldoni, F. (2008). Book review. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 108-113.
-Author reviews Dufon & Churchill’s (Eds.) Language learners in study abroad contexts.
Kohl, A.G. (2008). Book review. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 4(1), 114-119.
-Author reviews Falsgraf’s (Ed.) Foreign language units for all proficiency levels.