Vol. 10 No. 1 (2014): Literacy and/for Social Justice
Editors Introduction
Shelton, S. A. (2014). Editor’s Introduction. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online], 10(1), i-iv.
Retrieved from http://jolle.coe.uga.edu
Research Articles
Redefining our understandings...
When School Literacy and School Discipline Practices Intersect: Why Schools Punish Student Writing
Adolescent Perspectives on Authentic Writing Instruction
The Power of Applying Reimagined/Redefined Literacy in Classrooms
Creating a Critical Literacy Milieu in a Kindergarten Classroom
“We Gotta Change First”: Racial Literacy in a High School English Classroom
Students with Learning Disabilities in an Inclusive Writing Classroom
Multiliteracies in the classroom: Confronting the Reality of the First Year of Teaching
The Power of Applying Reimagined/Redefined Literacy Beyond the Classroom
De/colonizing Preservice Teacher Education: Theatre of the Academic Absurd
Teaching Under Policy Cascades: Common Core and Literacy Instruction
Book Reviews
Miller, sj, Burns, D. B., & Johnson, T. S. (Eds.). (2013). Generation Bullied 2.0:
Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Our Most Vulnerable Students. New York:
Peter Lang Publishing.
Warner, M. L. & Lovell, J. H. (Eds.). (2014). Teaching Writing Grades 7-12 in an Era of
Assessment: Passion and Practice. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Horn, J., and Wilburn, D. (2013). The Mismeasure of Education. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Kirkland, David E (2013). A search past silence: The literacy of young black men. New
York: Teachers College Press.
McLaughlin, M. (2012) Guided Comprehension for English Learners. Newark, DE:
International Reading Association.
Miller, D., & Kelley, S. (2014). Reading in the Wild: The Book Whisperer’s Keys to
Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Poetry and Art
“Language Lessons: Poems from Rwanda”
“Conference Room on March 1st”
Casting a Long Shadow
Personal Ad for Jim & Anather Personal Ad (After Allen Ginsberg)