Vol. 11 No. 1 (2015): Embodied and Participatory Literacies

Editor's Introduction
Rethinking “Cookie Cutter” Literacy PracticesFeatured Articles
Multimodal Play and Adolescents: Notes on Noticing Laughter“The Power of Our Words and Flesh”: An Experienced Literacy Coach’s Love Letter to Incoming Educators About the Transformational Roles of Relationships and the Body in Learning
Research Articles
Trading Spaces: An Educator’s Ethnographic Exploration of an Adolescents’ Online Role-Play
Spatial Stories with Nomadic Narrators: Affect, Snapchat, and ‘Feeling’ Embodiment in Youth Mobile Composing
What are the Disciplinary Literacies in Dance and Drama in the Elementary Grades?
Participatory Literacy Learning in an African Context: Perspectives from the Ombaderuku Primary School in the Arua District, Uganda
Testimoniando en Nepantla: Using Testimonio as a Pedagogical Tool for Exploring Embodied Literacies and Bilingualism
Voices from the Field
“Who are our mockingbirds?” Participatory Literacies in a Community-wide Reading Program
Academic Book Reviews
Katz, M. (Eds.) (2013). Moving ideas: Multimodality and embodied learning in
communities and schools. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Jocson, K. (Eds.). (2013). Cultural transformations: Youth and pedagogies of
possibility. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Leavy, P. (2013). American circumstance. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense
Four Arrows (Jacobs, D. T.), England-Aytes, K., Cajete, G., Fisher, M., R.,
Mann, B. A., Mcgaa, E., & Sorensen, M. (2013). Teaching truly: A
curriculum to indigenize mainstream education. New York, NY: Peter
Lang Publishing.
Lynch, P. (2013). After pedagogy: The experience of teaching. Urbana, IL:
Children & Young Adult Literature (CYAL) Book Reviews
Giles, G. (2014). Girls like us. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.
Hidier, T. D. (2014). Bombay blues. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Dunkle, E. & Dunkle, C. (2015). Elena vanishing. San Francisco, CA:
Chronicle Books.
Walton, W. (2015). Anything Could Happen. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Novak, B.J. (2014). The book with no pictures. New York, NY: Dial Books.
Picard, M. (2014). Jim Curious: A voyage to the heart of the sea in 3-D vision.
New York, NY: Abrams.
Poetry & Arts
The poetry collection “Spinning Straw Into Gold”
“Blowing and Bursting Bubbles”
“The 451 App”
“Burning Hell” and “Dream”
“Failing Students”
“The Yellow Crayon”