Vol. 16 No. 2 (2016): Intentional Meaning: Exploring How We Read and Write Our Worlds
Editors' Introduction
Intentional Meaning: Exploring How We Read and Write Our WorldsAcademic Articles
Voices from the Field
Ctrl F: A Scholar’s Tips for Delving into the World of Creative WritingThe Trouble with Niceness: How a Preference for Pleasantry Sabotages Culturally Responsive Teacher Preparation
Featured Articles Living and Learning in the Here-and-Now: Critical Inquiry in Literacy Teacher Education
Beyond Mirrors and Windows: A Critical Content Analysis of Latino Children’s Books
Empowering the Foreign Language Learner Through Critical Literacies Development
Academic Book Reviews
Hill, M.L. (2016). Nobody: Casualties of America’s war on the vulnerable, from
Ferguson to Flint and beyond. New York, NY: Atria Books
Pearson, P. D., & Hiebert, E. H. (Eds.). (2015). Research-based practices for
teaching Common Core literacy. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Fu, D. & Matoush, M. (2015). Focus on literacy. Oxford key concepts for the
language classroom. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Mack, N. (2015). Engaging writers with multigenre research projects: A
teacher’s guide. 1- 128. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Fisher, P., Bates, A., & Gurvitz, D. J. (2014). The complete guide to tutoring
struggling readers: Mapping interventions to purpose and CCSS. New
York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Landsman, J., Salcedo, R., & Gorski, P. (2015). Voices for diversity and social
justice: A literary education anthology. Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Bezemer, J., & Kress, G. (2016). Multimodality, learning and communication: A
social semiotic frame. London, UK: Routledge.
Children & Young Adult Literature (CYAL) Book Reviews
Elementary School Book
Biggs, B. (2016). Tinyville Town Gets to Work. New York, NY: Abrams
Robinson, F. (2016). Ada’s Ideas: The Story of Ada Lovelace, the World’s First
Computer Programmer. New York, NY:Abram’s Books for Young
Lee, J.M. (2016). Jim Henson’s Shadows of the Dark Crystal. New York, NY:
Grosset & Dunlap.
Grau, S. (2016). The Boy with 17 Senses. New York, NY: Amulet Books.
High School BooksWagner, L.R. (2015). Hold Tight, Don’t Let Go: A Novel of Haiti. New York,
NY: Amulet Books.
Turtschaninoff, M. (2016). The Red Abbey Chronicles Maresi. New York
City, NY: Amulet Books.
Poetry & Arts
A Writing Lesson
The Poet
When You’re Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader
Let Us Feast at Poetry’s Table
The Muses Among Us