Vol. 14 No. 2 (2018): Energizing and Resonant Possibilities

					View Vol. 14 No. 2 (2018):  Energizing and Resonant Possibilities

Editor's Introduction

Editor’s Introduction: Energizing and Resonant Possibilities  

Academic Articles


Research Articles


Creating a Third Space through Intertextuality: Using Children’s Literature to Develop Prospective Teachers’ Critical Literacy



This is What We Do: Emphasizing Discipline-Specific Literacy Practices in Teacher Education



Literate Identity Development in First Grade: A Cross-Case Analysis of Students with Strong and Emerging Decoding Skills



Valuing Students’ Responses to Implement a Social Justice Pedagogy: A Descriptive Case Study



Castle”ing” Whiteness: White Youth and the Racial Imagination


Voices from the Field

“But Isn’t the Teacher Supposed to Tell Us?”: Drawing Out Transactional Reading Processes Through Transmediation



Engaging Preservice Teachers with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Three Model Lessons for Teacher Educators


Academic Book Reviews

Yoshihara, R. (2017). The socially responsible feminist EFL classroom: A
Japanese perspective on identities, beliefs and practices. Blue Ridge
Summit, PA: Multilingual Matters.


Beers, K., & Probst, R.E. (2017). Disrupting thinking: Why how we
read matters. New York, NY: Scholastic.


Orellana, M. F. (2016). Immigrant children in transcultural
spaces: Language, learning, and love. New York: Routledge.


Graves, M. F. (2016). The Vocabulary Book: Learning and Instruction (2nd ed.). New

York, NY: Teachers College Press.


Newkirk, T. (2017). (Embarrassment) and the emotional underlife of learning.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Ryan, C.L., & Hermann-Wilmarth, J.M. (2018). Reading the rainbow:
LGBTQ-inclusive literacy instruction in the elementary classroom.
New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


Poetter, T. S., & Waldrop, K. (Eds.). (2015). Curriculum windows:
What curriculum theorists of the 1970s can teach us about schools and
society today. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Sarigianides, S. T., Petrone, R., & Lewis, M. A. (2017). Rethinking the
“adolescent” in adolescent literacy. Urbana, IL: National Council of
Teachers of English.


Zaidi, R., & Rowsell, J. (Eds.). (2017). Literacy Lives in Transcultural Times.
New York, NY: Routledge.

Children & Young Adult Literature (CYAL) Book Reviews

Picture Book Reviews 

Howard, A. (2017). Dinosaur Empire!: Journey through the Mesozoic
Era. New York, NY: Amulet Books.


Byers, Grace (2018). I am enough. New York, NY: HarperCollins

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts


“For the Man Who Loved Dalí and Pink Floyd,” “Printmaking,” and “Uniambic”



Visual Art:


Published: 2024-11-14