Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Decolonizing and Humanizing Practices in Education

Academic Articles
Research Articles
“I’m Starved For That”: Preservice Teachers’ Experiences with Video Analysis
Negotiating Word Meanings and Identities in a Translanguaging Space
Socio-cognitive research in action: What can we learn from a single case?
Voices from the Field
“I Want You to Want Me Too”: Enacting Linguistic Justice in Language & Grammar Courses
“What if what I want to say is not enough for what I have to say?” Expanding Meaning-Making Opportunities by Using Adinkra Symbols and Yoruba Proverbs
Critical Approaches to Media Literacy in Teacher Education: Accounting for the Challenges of Post-Truth Politics
Scholars Speak Out
Is Post Traumatic Test Disorder Killing Your Students’ Love of Literacy?
To Hover Amidst the Zip: Reflections on Moments of Silence in Literacy Classrooms
Academic Book Reviews
Navigating the Intersection of Race, Culture, and Education: Lessons from Race at the Top
Children & Young Adult Literature (CYAL) Book Reviews
Hayden, C. (2022). The First Thing About You.
Nicholls, Sally (2022). Silent stars go by. Walker Books
Wolf, A. (2022). The snow fell three graves deep: Voices from the Donner Party.
Candlewick Press.
Morris, B. (2021). The cost of knowing. Simon Pulse.
Slack, M. H. (2022). The sun shines on the jungle. Walker Books Ltd.
Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts
“An Epic Testimonio,” “Critical Resistance and Cyclical Nature,” & “Representation Matters”
“Pedagogy of Peace”