Vol. 20 No. 1 (2024): Multiliteracies as Pedagogy: Connecting, Advocating, Resisting

					View Vol. 20 No. 1 (2024): Multiliteracies as Pedagogy: Connecting, Advocating, Resisting

Editor’s Introduction

Editor’s Introduction: Multiliteracies as Pedagogy: Connecting, Advocating, Resisting

Research Articles

Tatum’s Social Media Activism as Multiliteracies: Connecting, Advocating, and Resisting Social Injustices


VSCO Stickers Unpeeled: Engaging Critical and Multiliteracies Pedagogy with Preservice English Teachers


Multimodal Writing for Promoting Multilingual Adolescents’ Writing Growth: An Integrative Research Review

Conceptual/Theoretical Article

Identifying Sociotextual Nodes in the Academic Knowledge Industry: “Multiliteracies” Research and Discursive Appropriation

Voices from the Field

Storytelling: Five Identity-Focused Activities for Teaching Intercultural Competence to Multilingual Learners

Pedagogy and Practice: Creating Spaces for Multilingual Learners to Create and Belong

Scholars Speak Out

Who am I? What am I? Why am I? How am I? Where am I? Transnational Raciosemiolingual Exceptionalism and the Schizophrenic Exotism of Literacies

Academic Book Reviews

Spence, L., & Mitra, A. (2023). Educational neuroscience for literacy teachers.

Smith, P. (2023). Black immigrant literacies: Intersections of race, language,
and culture in the classroom. Teachers College Press.

CYAL Book Reviews

Thompkins-Bigelow, J. (2022). Abdul’s Story. Simon & Schuster

Juana, M. (2023). Alma and How She Got Her Name. Candlewick Press.

Medina, M. (2022). Merci suárez plays it cool. Candlewick Press.

Gabriela, B. (2023). Only for a Little While. HarperCollins Publishers

Schu, J. & Castillo, L. (2023). This is a story. Candlewick Press.

Maurene, G. (2023). Throwback. Zando.

Jenny, S. (2022). With Lots of Love. Penguin Young Readers Group.

Poetry, Fiction, & Visual Arts

Creative Non-Fiction

Correspondence Concerning the Naigroeg Subset of the Nacirema People: Naigroeg Customs, Language, and Eccentricities

Winter Conference Reflection

Ngoc My (Michelle) Tran and Taylor Blankstein-Miller, Co-Conference Chairs

*Note of the Cover Art:

Missing Pieces


Published: 2024-11-14