A Discussion of Programmatic Differences within Mathematics Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers
Published 2021-08-17
- pre-service teachers,
- program design
Copyright (c) 2021 Tuyin An, Daniel Clark, Hwa Young Lee, Emily K Miller, Travis Weiland

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Prospective elementary teacher (PSET) education programs vary greatly in the courses and course sequences employed to prepare their students. This article explores potential tradeoffs that arise for mathematics teacher educators, PSETs, and their future students due to the choices PSET education programs make regarding their design. Specifically, the sequencing of content and pedagogy across courses, integration of content and pedagogy within courses, content coverage, mathematical rigor, and interactions between PSETs’ beliefs and experiences are explored from the perspective of mathematics teacher educators using vignettes. Based on the vignettes and literature, future directions for research regarding PSET education program design are suggested.
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