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Reflective Essays

Vol. 28 No. 3: Special Issue on Community-Engaged Scholars, Practitioners, and Boundary Spanners: Identity, Well-Being, and Career Development

It Takes a Village to Raise a Science Communicator

  • Veronica F. Frans
December 15, 2023


Using the metaphor of a medieval village, I share and reflect on my story as a PhD student, holder of an underrepresented identity in STEM, and next-generation boundary spanner in science communication. I am a science communicator to faith-based communities—a neglected and often contentious space in science communication. Through 6 years of graduate education, my metaphorical village helped me to discover and refine my “impact identity,” the fusion of my outreach with my scholarship that enables me to advance into the next stage of my career with community engagement as one of my strongest assets. Beyond my personal story, I reflect on what a “village” can look like for other boundary spanners. My village concept can help students, universities, and others in higher education navigate the development of next-generation boundary spanners in science communication.